Tables on command
_ Sappho - Fresco from Pompeii - First century after J. C.

_ Venus - S. Botticelli - 1485/90
_ Mona Lisa - L. Da Vinci - 1503/07
_ The lady with an ermine - L. Da Vinci - 1490
_ The beautiful ferronnière - L. Da Vinci - 1490
_ Joanna of Aragon - Studio of the painter Raphael - 1518

Baroque - Caravaggism
_ The birth of the universe - P. P. Rubens - 1637
_ Nativity - G. de la Tour - 1640
_ Saint Joseph carpenter - G. de la Tour - 1640
_ The maid of Rembrandt - Rembrandt van Rijn - 1645
_ Sainte Marguerite - F. de Zurbarán - 1630/35
_ Still life - W. Kalf - 1661
_ Dairy - J. Vermeer - 1658/60
_ Girl with a Pearl Earring - J. Vermeer - 1665/66
_ The Lacemaker - J. Vermeer - 1669/70
_ Astronomer - J. Vermeer - 1668
_ The beggar - B. E. Murillo - 1645/50
_ Still life with musical instruments - E. Baschenis - 1650

_ The cook - J. S. Chardin - 1738
_ Apples and watermelons - L. Melendez - 1773
_ Samuel child - J. Reynolds - 1776
_ The young girl reading - J. H. Fragonard - 1776
_ The surprise - J. H. Fragonard - 1790
_ Marie-Adélaïde of France in Turkish costume - L. E. Liotard - 1753
_ Élisabeth Vigee-Lebrun - Self-portrait - 1790
_ Classical ruins - H. Robert - 1798

Neoclassicism - Romanticism
_ Madame Récamier - J. L. David - 1800
_ Aurora and Cephalus - P. N. Guérin - 1810
_ Miss George - F. Gérard - 1880
_ The kiss - F. Hayez - 1859/67
_ Miss River - J. A. D. Ingres - 1805
_ The bather Valpincon - J. A. D. Ingres - 1808
_ The princess de Broglie - J. A. D. Ingres - 1851/53
_ Chopin - E. Delacroix - 1838
_ Liberty leading the people - E. Delacroix - 1830
_ Sea ice - C. D. Friedrich - 1822
_ Ships loading coal in the moonlight - W. Turner - 1835
_ Moonlight - I. Aivazovski - 1849

_ Florentine costume page - A. Cabanel - 1881
_ Thamar - A. Cabanel - 1875
_ Death of F. Da Rimini and P. Malatesta - A. Cabanel - 1870
_ The birth of Venus - A. Cabanel - 1863
_ The floor scrapers - G. Caillebotte - 1875
_ Dancer at the photographer - E. Degas - 1879
_ Absinthe - E. Degas - 1876
_ The sleeper - A.Renoir - 1897
_ Anna - A. Renoir - 1876
_ The swing - A.Renoir - 1876
_ The girl on a rock - A. Renoir - 1892
_ The reader - A. Renoir - 1874
_ The girl with the cat - A. - Renoir - 1876
_ Portrait of Claude Monet - A. Renoir - 1872
_ Odalisque - A. Renoir - 1870
_ Woman sewing - M.Cassatt - 1886
_ Carnations and clematis in a crystal vase - E. Manet - 1882
_ Woman with a parasol - C. Monet - 1886
_ The Japanese bridge and water lilies pond - C. Monet - 1899
_ The Saint Lazare station, the Normandy train - C. Monet - 1877
_ Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler - J. S. Sargent - 1893l

Post - Impressionism
_ Enclos at sunset, Saint-Remy - V. Van Gogh - 1889
_ Coffee, evening - V. Van Gogh - 1888
_ Fishing boats on the beach of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer - V. Van Gogh - 1888
_ Card players - P.Cézanne - 1885/90
_ The blue vase - P. Cezanne - 1883/87
_ The cracked home - P. Cézanne - 1892/94
_ Breasts with mangos - P. Gauguin - 1899
_ Tahitian landscape - P. Gauguin - 1891
_ The snake charmer - Le Douanier Rousseau - 1907

Arts of the world
_ Bison - Rock painting - Altamira cave - End of the neolithic - Spain
_ Stele of the harpist - XXIst and XXIInd dynasty -Egypt
_ Lions head of man competing under the wingest disk of Ahura Mazda - Achaemenid era around 1500 B. C. - Persia
_ Zeus and his eagle - sixth century B. C - Greece
_ Varuna, god of the oceans - eighteenth century - India
_ Mount Fuji - Print - 1830/35 - Japan